2023 Conference Presentations

Monday, February 27, 2023

A1: Getting and using Texas Workforce Commission data to analyze labor market outcomes

A2: Leading with inquiry and institutional knowledge: A collaborative approach to program review

A3: COREQUISITE WORKS- Student Success Models at the Lone Star College

A4: Data Warehousing & Analytics for Peer Benchmarking Data

A5: Using Tableau to Create Interactive Student Profile Infographics

B1: Assessing Peer Groups

B2: How IR offices can partner with academic departments to benefit students and the university

B3: Predicting College Student Success Using a Classification Tree Model

B4: Using Predictive Modeling to Increase Six-Year Graduation

B5: Removing Barriers: How to Assess DEI Effectiveness Through Workforce Data

C1: Building a Data Institute

C2: The Poetry of Data

C3: Time to Degree for Graduate Students: An understudied population

C4: The Enrollment Cliff – Is it doom and gloom or can the trend be reversed?

C5: The Intersection of Data Quality, Data Stewardship and Data Governance


Tuesday, February 28, 2023

D1: Graduate Student Success Tableau Visualization

D2: Out With The Old, In With The New- A Path to Modernizing a University Reporting Tool

D3: Expanding Data-Informed Decision Making Capabilities at our New Frisco Campus

D4: Using SPSS to Build a Data Warehouse of CBM Reports

D5: The Value Proposition to our Students: Creating New ROI Analysis Tools from Multiple Data Sources

E1: Building a Talent Strong Texas: Leveraging TST Metrics

E2: Complexity of classifying and presenting race and ethnicity date. The Zero-sum game and Non-zero sum Game representations supports the reclassification of certain underrepresented UNT race/ethnicity

E3: Giving Voice to Adult Learners

E4: Reporting for SACS and Other Pleasures: Faculty Employment Status and Classroom Contact with Students

E5: The Fast & The Studious: Comparative Methodological Approaches to 15-to-Finish Messaging at UTSA

F1: Tableau Tips & Tricks

F2: How money works? Estimating the influence of financial aid on student retention with different socioeconomic status.

F3: Using Spatial Analysis to Build a Student Profile

F4: Using HRIS in Public Organizations from an Institutional Research Viewpoint

F5: Math pathways: An Analysis, Visualization of Math Courses Pass rates at a Regional University

G1: GIS Usage in Institutional Research

G2: Automating Graduation Rates at UNT: Multiple Perspectives on Success

G3: Exploring the impact of higher education on post-graduation income using Texas Workforce
Commission (TWC) data

G4: Using DAX Efficiently and Effectively

G5.1: Geocoding applications with R

G5.2: The Relationship between Early Momentum Factors and Transfer and Bachelor’s Degree Attainment


Wednesday, March 1, 2023

H1: Minding the Grades: Lessons Learned from Building a Class Performance Dashboard

H2: Just What is Retention Anyway?

THECB Legislative Update

TAIR Business Meeting