TAIR Conference 2017: Turning IR Into Mission Control
Call for Participation
Deadline: October 1, 2016
Ways to participate:
Pre-conference Workshop – Two hours, half-day (3 hours) or full-day (6 hours) in length depending on the topic and objectives. Pre-conference workshops are in-depth learning experiences designed to improve the IR practitioner’s skill set. Appropriate instruction may include demonstrations, discussions, group exercises, and/or hands-on computer work. Workshop proposals should include a list of supplies / equipment / software needed, requirements for Internet access (none, presenter only or presenter + participants), and any limitations such as a minimum or maximum number of participants. In the workshop description, please describe any prerequisite skills or knowledge necessary for workshop attendance.
Concurrent Session – 45 minute presentation. Concurrent sessions are intended to provide information about a topic from a single presenter or a small team (usually not more than three). The format for a session can vary widely, from a scholarly paper presentation to a “how-to” demonstration. A typical presentation will allow about 35-40 minutes for presentation of the material and 5-10 minutes for audience questions. Many of these sessions include visual media such as Power Point or other visual demonstrations. A Session Coordinator is assigned to each session to assist the presenter with timekeeping, questions, and post-session evaluations. Concurrent Sessions are eligible to receive the TAIR Best Presentation award. PRESENTERS MUST BRING THEIR OWN LAPTOP. Basic visual equipment, such as projectors and screens are available in every room.
Discussion Group/Panel/Working Session – 45 minute facilitated discussion. These sessions will be offered in a seminar room while concurrent sessions are being presented in other seminar rooms. This format is intended to facilitate an interactive exchange of information and ideas instead of unidirectional communication. The facilitator(s) may take a few minutes to introduce the topic, prompting questions as needed, and then encouraging the participants to share their thoughts. Facilitators are encouraged to collaborate with a team of colleagues to lead these sessions but individual discussion leaders are welcome.
Subject Area/Program Track:
The following general subject areas have been identified as Program Tracks to allow attendees to quickly identify areas of interest when choosing which sessions to attend. You will be asked to identify which one or two of these tracks you feel most closely corresponds to your presentation.
- Planning & Organizing (examples include strategic planning, project planning, IR office or personal organization)
- Research (examples include statistical and institutional research applicable to a range of institutions)
- Technology & Training (examples include use of technology in IR, basic/intermediate/advanced software instruction and application)
- Assessment & Effectiveness (examples include implementing assessment programs, goal setting/measuring, novel assessment ideas)
- Reporting & Decision Support (examples include internal/external reporting, dashboards, data warehouses or other decision support systems)
- Current Issues in Higher Education (examples include new legislation, promising practices, SACS related, or Coordinating Board issues)
Click here to submit your proposal: https://www.regonline.com/callforparticipation
If accepted, all presenters must register for the conference and pay all fees by the registration deadline.Since the presentation abstract will be included in the conference brochure, the program committee requests the conceptual content of the presentation remain unchanged. Please see the “Presenter Guidelines” for additional information on presenter responsibilities and presentation guidelines.
NOTE: You may be asked to supply a password for RegOnline. This allows your demographic information to be saved and retrieved the next time you register for a TAIR event. However, if you submit multiple proposals, you will be required to re-enter your demographic information for each proposal.
For more information, contact:
Michael Albert
Concurrent and Discussion Sessions Chair
Phone: (210) 431-3996
Marc Turner
Professional Development Officer/Workshops Coordinator
Phone: (512) 245-2386